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Central Heating Repairs in Bickershaw

Central Heating Repairs in BickershawThis time of year is when you should be looking at central heating repairs in Bickershaw. It is generally warm in summer and you do not need your heating system on. This is the time to get some of the repairs done to it.  In winter you are using the system all the time and it is not convenient to switch it off.  Autumn is a busy time for all plumbers as that is when people realise that they have neglected their central heating and it is not working. We can repair your central heating system now and save you trying to find someone when autumn comes.

You should have your boiler serviced once a year.  In Bickershaw, central heating repairs and service can be done at the same time. Water, no matter how clean, carried a little bit of sediment in it.  As it runs through the pipes the sediment, which is heavier than the water, tends to settle onto the inside of the pipe.  If this is left it can clog the pipe completely causing parts of your heating system to stop working. The symptoms of clogged pipes are gradual and will show in poor circulation and lukewarm radiators and water that is not as hot as it used to be. We can power flush the system to get rid of the sediment and have you system as good as new.

Central heating repairs in Bickershaw are one of our specialities.  Contact M & R Plumbing Services today to arrange for one of our highly skilled plumbers and central heating experts to service or repair your heating system. We have over 20 years of experience in repairing and installing central heating systems and are also expert in a range of gas, heating and plumbing services. Our engineers are all Gas Safe and Corgi registered and we all pride ourselves on our high standard of workmanship. Many of our customers have been using us for many years and we receive a large number of new customers as referrals.